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skin spots on slider

22 16:30:27

Hi Mark!  I live in Northern Lower Michigan.  My kids found a small (3") painted turtle, and wanted to add it to our turtle pond.  I examined it and found several dozen small black spots on its nech and legs.  They look somewhat similar to spores you would find beneath the fronds of a fern, or even a little bit like lice eggs.  I'm not sure what these are, how to treat them (if necessary) and whether it would be safe to add this little girl into my existing pond with other healthy turtles.  Any advice?

Wild caught turtles are often heavily loaded with parasites, and these parasites can easily infect a healthy captive population. I really don't recommend this.

The black growths can be many things, but very possibly a fungal growth. You can try using a Turtle Sulfa Bath product per label directions if you decide to keep the turtle.

Good luck!