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A turtle that lives exclusively underwater?

22 16:17:27

Is there a type of turtle that can be kept as a pet that lives exclusively underwater with no need for a basking area? I thought I read somewhere that there was such a turtle that can be kept as a pet. Thanks for the help.

There are some fully aquatic pet turtles.

Some, like the Common Snapping Turtle, are easy to care for and inexpensive to buy, but are nonetheless not great pets for most people since they are so aggressive and get so large.

Others, like most of the Softshell Turtles, Mata Mata, Fly River Turtle, and most sea turtles, have specialized care requirements that make them difficult pets. Many in the category are also illegal to own (such as the sea turtles).

The bottom line is that there is no easy pet turtle that does not need a basking site. Sorry!

You can learn more about turtle care at