Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > there are worms in my aquarium

there are worms in my aquarium

22 16:30:27

i have a red eared slider about 5 1/2 inches in a 33 gallon long with a basking and a flourescent light. the tank is aproxomitly 1/3 of the way filled with water also with a land spot at one end.when i cleaned his tank out yesterday i saw what looked to be a small red worm about 1/8 of and inch long. should i be concerned about this?is there anything i can do?any advice i will definatly try i would prefer it to be easier but if not well thats fine too.

Turtles and turtle foods often generate worms. A couple here and there, or a small 'bloom' of a bunch of worms once in a rare while are not big issues.

If the worms happen a lot, you can ask a vet for a good wormer, but most wormers are pretty powerful meds.