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sick water turtle

22 16:03:53

Hi, I just acquired a water turtle that wasn't being properly cared for by a friend of mine. Its a red eared slider. The turtle had been left in the sun for days with minimal water and food. The shell looks like its covered in a a type of dry mold, my question is will this go away with time or do i need to purchase a specific medicine?

Hi Congrads on your new friend.
Once you give him a few days with proper care, you can take a soft toothbrush and scrub the shell. This will assist with the removal of what can  be a fungus and or algae. PLace him in clean water 3 times him so if he is 4 inches give him 12 inches of water,
Id let him have a fwe days and then he wil start to look better. you can do this to the shell several times a day

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