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paint turtle

22 16:01:16

i am a nine year old girl and i have a brand new paint turtle but my question is are paint turtles and snapping turtles the same

Hi Danika,

There are several species of painted turtle, but you probably have an Eastern painted.  They are not the same as snapping turtles.  Painteds are in the genus Crysemys (Easterns are Crysemys picta picta), while snapping turtles are in the genus Chelydra.  Snapping turtles are very definitely not beginner turtles, and not for children!  This is one good reason why it's a good idea to know exactly what species you're getting and how to care for it.  

If you got your turtle from a pet store, you were probably not given correct care information.  I'll put some links below for you and your parents to look at together, but basically you need a roomy tank (at least 20 gallons for a hatchlings, but 30-40 is better, and 75 to 100 gallons for an adult), an excellent filter, basking and UVB lights, and a diet that includes fresh animal protein and greens as well as pellets.  Enjoy your new turtle!