Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Terrapin Shell (White Spots / white outline)

Terrapin Shell (White Spots / white outline)

22 16:16:34

Hi, this is the first time i have used this and i have 2 terrapins, 1 greenish with nice patterns and the other greyish with 3 lumps on its back (middle)

I have noticed the grey one has started to get white spots or shite outlines around its shell, i have looked it up and it looks like a vitimin deficency? i am not sure and if it is, how do i treat it? i have 2 links to 2 images of the terrapin, sorry they are a lil blurred but please, help!

Picture 1 :
Picture 2
Sorry if they are fuzzy, but the back end of the terrapin is whiteish and looks as if it is breaking off, but it isnt..


The images do not open, and there is not enough description to tell what the issue might be, or even what species are involved.

I'd recommend you try the forum at where you can chat with several experienced keepers and share photos more easily.

Good luck!