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Redfoot tortoise substrate

22 16:07:31

Hi Jeannie,

I have a 1 1/2 year old redfoot tortoise. I had recently bought some New Zealand Sphagnum moss to add to his substrate. When I placed the damp moss in his enclosure he would try to eat it (even though he had fresh greens in his enclosure). I know that sphagnum moss is typically a recommended for redfoots, but I didn't know if they typically eat it as well so I took it out to be on the safe side. Is it harmful if redfoots eat it or is it ok for me to use the it as a substrate?

Thank you,

Hi Lauren,

The moss will pass through if he eats it, so don't worry.  I use sphagnum moss for my redfoots--it's really excellent for holding in moisture.  Most likely he's just experimenting to see if it's tasty, and will stop nibbling on it once he realizes it doesn't taste that good.  Hope this helped!