Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > my turtles are weak

my turtles are weak

22 16:38:27

My turtle is not eating but he opens his mouth and makes a noise  .  what can i do?

This will depend on the kind and size of the turtle, but usually means that it has the wrong cares or diet.

You can give the website a try- they have great care sheets for most kinds of turtles.

I'll be happy to try to help as well but I will need to know:
- species of turtle, and overall length
- size of habitat
- description of habitat (water, dry space, how is it set up)
- habitat temps and how provided
- diet

The turtle probably has a form of respiratory illness, maybe even pneumonia. This can be awkward to treat, even for an expert.

Either let me know some details, or check out the sites and see what might need improvements.

Good luck!