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My red ear sliders sleep all day

22 16:14:09

hey,Mark! i jus bought two little RES a couple of days ago and i find them sleeping all day if i dont wake them up. i fed them "turtle food stick" and dry shrimps, but they didnt eat. i live in Singapore and the temperature here is always around 28 degree Celsius. they won't hibernate at such temperature, will they? They look healthy except they sleep too much. i look forward to your answer.Thank you for your time!

The temps should be OK, maybe a bit warm- we usually aim for 24-27C. Dry shrimps are not a great food- you can learn more at

Where are they sleeping? If in a warm area, warm things up a bit. If in a cool area, cool things off a bit. If in a bright area, lighten things up, if in a dark area, reduce the light.

Is the tank big enough for lots of activity? These turtles like big spaces- especially if there are two of them.

I'd recommend reviewing the cares at the site mentioned. If there are things to tweak, tweak them and see if it helps.

Good luck!