Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Red Eared Slider ate something bad

Red Eared Slider ate something bad

22 16:02:49

We've got a 2yr old female red eared slider. Our 7yr old son told us one of his nerf darts landed in the only part of the tank that is open. He frantically called us to come running but it wasn't enough time and 'Miracle' ate the nerf dart.
That was about 3 hrs ago. My husband and I are really worried. We called our normal vet for our cats, they aren't open. So we tried other vet places but so far none that are open are knowledgeable about turtles. We got desperate and went to a local pet store that has a lot of Red Ear Sliders, they actually put a call into their workers who might be able to tell us something.
Miracle has eaten other bits and parts of her tank #it's a constant battle# with no problem but a nerf dart seems awfully big compared to her past eating no-no's.
Are turtles known for eating anything and everything? If so, are they usually life threatening?

So far Miracle is swimming around and acting as usual.

Hello In order to assure that he passes this withoutharm, he will need to be xrayed and see where it is. It is possible that he can pass it without harm however it could become intangled in the intestines and cause him to be impacted. Should that happen he could die
Please consult a herp (reptile) vet to get xrays asap.