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one sick red eared slider

22 16:16:58

We have two sliders, got them at the same time, and one won't eat, is smaller, and simply floats on a rock and refuses to move or react.  He's not only breathing through the mouth, so I don't think it's a respiratory infection,but we don't know what to do. There are no herp vets as we live in a rural state with no civilization nearby.  There is good lighting in the tank, as well as good temp, but one is ill, anything I can do?

It sounds like pneumonia from the little description of the symptoms. Pneumonia, sadly, is a viral infection that can be tough to treat, even with a vet's care.

The general plan is...

1. Separate it from the other so it dies not cross-infect it. Be sure the new home allows good conditions, which we will discuss in point 5.

2. Boost water temps in the sick tank to 80-85F, and make sure the water stays clean- usually with a strong filter.

3. Minimize stress by not handling the turtle, no loud noises/vibrations, lights, etc.

4. Prevent/treat secondary infections with an antibiotic treatment- either a 'turtle sulfa dip' or the fish medicine 'Stress Coat', but not both.

5. Offer both turtles a good quality habitat. This includes...
- Good water, at least 10 gallons of water per inch of shell, warmed to 75-80F, and kept very clean with a large filter.
- Good sun, a basking site that is easy to climb on, they can get dry on, and should be something other than rock. The site should be heated to 90F, and lit nicely.
- Good food, a mix of about 1/2 good pellets, and 1/2 live or frozen/thawed 'fish foods' like worms, shrimp, krill, small fish, beef heart, etc. When the turtle is over about 4" long, add some dark leafy greens or aquatic plants.

Try and for details.