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uv lighting

22 16:17:02

I am just reading some of the questions and answers other people ahve written in order to know more about my turtle. i was suprised to see many people have UV lights for their turtles. when i bought my yellow belly over a year ago in the shop the person never mentioned the need for UV lighting. would you recommend i get one??

Hi Mairead,

Water turtles do better than land turtles without a UV light for some reason, but I still recommend that you get one of he or she is kept indoors.

After you get one, you may be able to feel the shell get harder (I did with my mud turtles).

Also, UV light helps humans fight depression and stay in a good mood, so I can't help but wonder if turtles feel better because of it.  Not that you can tell based on their facial expressions.

There is a good chance it will do some good, but no chance that it will do harm... so I say DO IT!  :)