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turtle nest

22 16:13:21

QUESTION: mick...if one finds a turtle nest in a field where one mows, what is the best way
to insure not killing the little guys when the hatch....we would also like to see
them when they hatch and perhaps move them to a safer location...

ANSWER: Did you find a nest, or just asking? Because it would be unusual to find eggs uncovered if they were turtle eggs.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i was mowing on pass one i saw the box turtle and swerved and avoided her..on pass 2(big field) i saw her scaping and she had bared the earth...on pass three she had dug a hole and had her butt in it...i didn't check to see if there were eggs but the next morning( i had put a plastic pipe several feet away as a reference)the hole was nicely covered and flattened even with some dry grass over it..thanks

Great, then this means she definitely laid eggs. That is how they do it. I would suggest clipping down any vegetation in an area a few feet around the nest so that it is clear and only soft soil remains on top of the nest site ( and whatever momma left there. Do not uncover or turn the eggs at all. Next, erect a small enclosure around the nest site, using garden fencing material and small mesh hardware cloth. This way when the babies hatch, they will be protected from being run over by lawn mowers, stepped on, or predators getting them right away. It will also help keep predators from finding the nest. If a hog, opposum, raccoon, etc finds the nest, they may dig it up and eat the eggs. Once the babies hatch, and you should be watching for this regularly, you can leave the babies in there or even expand the encloure until they grow a little to be released and can fend for themselves. I you want to consult with me by email as you go, it's phrynosoma_texas@yahoo. My website is