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Turtles front legs

22 15:57:09

QUESTION: I have a 3 toed box turtle and this morning his front legs are sticking and it's like they're paralyzed. I can push them back in but they roll right back out like they're useless. His head comes in and out, his back legs won't. Any ideas??  Thank you

ANSWER: I always have ideas about these things. It's what I do. But my first idea is that you follow the instructions to questioners so I can give relevant ideas, instead of wasting my time shooting out every theory out there in the dark, and making a book out of it. You haven't told me jack about your environmental conditions or his history for crying out loud, so your first request is pretty much just wasting time. That's why I have instructions that are clearly visible.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I apologize mick  for not including all info on my turtle, he roams the the house at free will at 78 degrees. Born in captivity 20 years ago and I feed him tomatoes and lettuce. No light bulbs he has a box he sleeps in and has been doing fine for the 8 years I have had him.  Thanks for your honesty

I'm going to need to see pictures of this condition. And if tomatoes and lettuce is largely all you have fed him for 8 years, and he roams a house and has no basking spot, and no UVB lighting...then he's likely got some pretty F-ed up health issues related to metabolic and nutritional diseases. It may be irreversible at this point. I need to see photos, and if you've left anything out.