Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > MY TORTOISE WAS HURTED


22 16:48:22

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Question -
I HAVE A SAMLL LANDTURTLE(TORTOISE) IT WAS HEALTHY FOR MANY YEARS BUT AFTER I BROUGHT IT ANOTHER ONE AND IT WAS A FEMALE AS THE FIRST WAS A MALE , MY TORTOISE WAS HURTED MANY TIMES MORE THAN 8 TIMES IN TAIL AND LEG AND HANDS AND IT'S RIGHT LEG WAS CUTTED I DONT KNOW THE REASON IS THE ONTHER FEMALE ONE DID THIS OR HOW PLEASE SEND MY YOUR OPENION AND THANKS    and one of your friends told me that a certain type of females TORTOISEs could do this and be agressive    to males so now my TORTOISE  was died dueto the last hurt it was died and i want to send you the female pictures to identify it and tell me if it did this or what thanks
Answer -
I apologize, but I had a hard time figuring out your question.

You had a small tortoise (but you did not mention the species), for many years. You then bought a female (also no species mentioned).

The male was injured on its tail, legs, and feet. It died from its injuries (I am very sorry to hear this).

You want to know if the female could have injured it enough to kill it?

Tortoises can bite, and one tortoise will often bite another quite badly, but most of the time, tortoises fight by bumping, thumping, etc. Some females CAN be more aggressive, and bite more- especially if they are bigger than the male. Tortoises rarely hurt each other this badly.

It is possible your female attacked and killed the male, but it is more likely that it was attacked by another animal- dogs and other animals will attack and badly injure tortoises. Could it have been some other kind of animal?

could you tell my your own e-amil to send you the
female pictures and also the male  so you or your friends could identify
it and know if it was the killer or not or maybe  '
but i tell you that i have no other animals in my
the 2 tortioses only  but 1 now  but sometimes i put
then in the balcony to eat and sometimes rats get into
the balcony but for 3 or 4 years the male was not
hurted but when i brought the female after 3 or 4years
it was hurted many times then it was died  and the female never been hurted  so i think
it is the female please this problem is very important
for me please tell me ur email .....       special thanks to you

If you did not recieve this answer earlier, I apologize- they sometimes get 'stuck' and answers get lost.

My email is I do not check this account often, so please let me know when you send the photos.

I am not sure what good it will do, but I will try to help.