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terrapene ornata ornata that bites

22 16:38:45

For 3 years we thought Lucy was a girl.  Then she began acting like a wild child.  We would find her swinging from the clematis as she tried to catch a bird.  She eats like a horse.  Last week she proved by fanning us that she was not a girl.

Now Luz has begun biting the other male's tail.  He chases him around the yard, walks on his shell and scratches it when Gordon is asleep....we know Luz has entered the macho, testosterone infused state.  How long does this last?  Will Luz be able to find companionship with Gordon and Shadow (the lone female) again before puberty took over?  

Aggression between Box Turtles is generally due more to crowding than to testosterone madness. We figure about a 4x4 for one adult, and about a 8x4 for a group of up to three- assuming there are a lot of different microhabitats in the space.

Now, sometimes we have a situation where we just plain have a bully. This is a little common in the Ornate Box Turtles but not real common. You can try to either remove the other male, or separate Luz out and try again after a month or so.