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turtle not eating

22 16:38:44

I did my daily walk one day at this back road and found a tiny eastern box turtle on the middle of the road. So I took her home, went to pet smart and got her 10" tank, thermometer, light and all that stuff. Any how Its been three days and still she haven't ate anything. Shes got water but... I don't know why shes not eating. I put some lettuce, bits of apples even warms but still.. Lucky is about 1 1/2". I don't know what to do! help please

In most states, it is illegal to catch Box Turtles because they are rare, threatened, or endangered in most of their range. They also usually do not do well in captivity unless they receive very good care. Most captured turtles will die within about a year or two.

Should you decide to keep it, it will need certain things:

1. A big home. We generally figure that a Box Turtle needs about 100 square inches per inch of shell length. The tank will be OK for a short while longer but not for too long.

2. Right temps in the moderate range, about 75-85F. They dislike heat.

3. High humidity, in the 85% or higher range.

4. Lots of hiding places

5. Subdued lighting. They generally do not like a lot of light intensity. Some UVB lighting helps as well.

6. Plenty of fresh air. If the air becomes stale or smelly, the turtle will become ill. This can be really tricky most of the time, and it gets really tough in an aquarium.

7. Good food. Box turtles mostly eat bugs, worms, arthropods, etc. with a little dark green plants, mushrooms, etc. Little, if any lettuce and about the only fruit would be berries.

8. Water should be available in a bowl big enough to rest in, but not too deep- only about 1/2 way up the shell.

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