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Sulcata turtle

22 16:16:31

I recently bought a sulcata turtle for my daughter.  It is the size of the lid of a soup can and we were wondering the age.  Also I purchased wheat grass at the store to feed him, although he seems to prefer romaine lettuce to anything.  I am wondering what the main diet should compose of.  I have heard of various grasses,clover, hibiscus.  Any advice would be great.  Thank you.

OK first thing is first. DO NOT GIVE IT HIBISCUS!!! hibiscus is not very good for them. Mines Favorite foods are romaine lettuce and carrots.

I would say your is about 3 months old I would be prepared to get a large cage for i when it is older because they can get up to 150lbs. They will live for a very long time as well.