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Turtle Eating

22 16:48:00

Hi!  Yesterday I removed a box turtle from the middle of the street (to keep him from getting hit) and have attempted to make a pet out of him.  After trying carrots, cucumbers, cat food, a dead bug, boiled egg, grass, grapes, etc., he will not eat.  Since I read they are to be fed only 3 times a week, I wasn't sure if he had recently eaten, or if it was the shock of being captured, or if you might suggest something else to offer him.  How long should I wait to give up on him eating and put him back in the wild?  How safe would a local lakeside park be, some distance from a lightly traveled road, with mainly ducks (and people) as the animals in the area, should he need to be freed?  Thanks! (from a fellow AllExpert in music and astronomy).

The shock of being captured is probably the big one, although it might also not recognize the stuff you havfe offered as food.

In the wild, it will eat about 75% insects, bugs, worms, etc. and the rest will be 'forage' on whatever is available. It takes a little while for a wild-caught speciman to eat, and if it is an adult, it should only eat every 2-3 days (to avoid obesity).

I prefer to suggest releasing most animals after a rescue, but if you want to make it a pet, check out for ideas, care sheets, links, etc. Boxies can be very satisfying pets if you are willing to put a little effort into it.

If you release it, I would prefer doing so in about the same home territory it was found in so it does not have to resetablish a new home turf, but the area you describe sounds good too. You can also try it as a 'garden pet' if you have a good turtle-friendly yard.

Let me know if I can help any further!