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Inactive turtle

22 16:01:36

Ive maintained the water temp around 90 f..Ive tried feeding him cabbage green beans and raw meat..Made him bast in light...Cleaned its shell..
I just bought a map turtle..its been a week now.It is breathing normally..Its not very active..It hasnt eaten at all...It moves once in a while..Im keeping it in a glass tank..Giving it basking time and all..tried giving him cabbage bits and raw meat..still no use..Any help?

Hi Smeeha,

Your water temperature is MUCH TOO HOT.  It needs be about 75 degrees, with a BASKING (land area; warm spot) of 88-90 degrees.  Measure the basking temperature right under the bulb to make sure it's not too warm (not air temperature).  Your turtle is inactive because it's overheated.  If the tank is very small, this could prove rapidly fatal.  PLEASE get the temperature down right away!

A map turtle requires a large tank--about 100 gallons for an adult, with filtration and good UVB, as well as basking heat.  They also need a diet that includes animal protein and greens.

So first of all, get the heat down in the tank; then read the information linked below very carefully and make any other changes necessary for your turtle's health.  If you have any questions, post back and I'll do my best to help.