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Turtles growing

22 16:14:41

was just wondering, Me ansd my friend are about to get some red eared turtles, can you tell me how fast do they grow, from baby size brought from a pet store???

Yeah, don't get any Red Eared Sliders until you know more about them and have some real space. I'm a reptile rescuer, and unprepared people usually end up calling me later to get rid of them once they have grown and they don't want them anymore. I have to turn them down, because I can't adopt out adult sliders and they take up too much space. Everybody wants a cute baby. Go a little farther into this than just looking for a cute baby to have. They live for 20 years or more and grow pretty fast if you are keeping them right. There are far too many idiots out there that tell you they will stay small...but that's because they are nitwits who know nothing of turtles...or they are liars. They will grow to size of a dinner plate, and you are going to need an outdoor pond.