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Mississippi Map Turtle fearful

22 15:57:09

Hello, I am new to turtles I got mine about 2 months ago. A young painted and a young mississippi map. From what I understand it is some what in the nature of the map species to be more timid and tend to hide more and be at the bottom of the tank. My question is how do I ease the fear my map has of myself and everything else around. When I need to remove him from the tank he flips out and goes frantic and I don't think he should be that frightened. How do I make that easier for him? Thanks.

You didn't follow the clear directions, so I'm not inclined to go much into this except to assume you've probably captured the turtle from the wild, and that's your problem right there. Since I don't know any other details as to your environment, because you DIDN'T follow the directions, it's pretty ridiculous to ask me for suggestions about it. The rest is species behavior that is easily researched by yourself.