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Tortoise skin peeling - swollen neck

22 16:15:41

Hi, i have a star tortoise that has been a little sick, what concerns me now is something you discussed in a previous answer!
'Ears'/Neck/Limbs- Skin peeling or heavy shedding (the difference is thickness of peelings- sheds are very thin and leave healthy skin under them)? (This sounds like a 'yes'), swelling near or under ears? (Also sounds like a 'yes'), general skin signs such as patches, white growths

What is the sickness my tortoise could be suffering from, because that quote almost matched the symptoms my tortoise has.

Kind Regards


Thick, unhealthy sheds can be any of several skin diseases- fungus infection, for example.

I would recommend either a vet, or checking into a good tortoise forum like Be prepared to post photos at the forum- it will really help!

Good luck!