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Help for RES

22 16:15:41

Hi Yexalen, I'm positive now that my red eared slider is sick after reading the questions/answers related to turtles health.

My pet is 4 months now in my possession and her shell is about 3.5 inches long.  She was so active before and never saw her so weak.  For almost a month now, she doesnt eat anything and is sleeping all the time.  I noticed lately that her eyes are swolen. I thought all the while that she is in hibernate stage as what my friends said. But not eating at all is very alarming. Summer is really hot in  UAE, so I keep her indoor at the moment.

Im not quite sure if reptile vet is available in Dubai.  Please help me save her.  

Hi Beth,

Is she showing any other unusual behaviors or symptoms?

Swollen Eyes
Lethargic & Sleeping all the time
Not Eating

What is her setup like? Temperatures, lighting, water level, how often do you clean etc. The more information the better.

And sorry I can not seem to find a vet in your area.
