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Species ID

22 15:56:40

Red eared turtle
Red eared turtle  

Red eared Turtle
Red eared Turtle  
Good day!
I am a Biology student and it's part of our Animal Physiology and Anatomy subject to identify the organism assigned to us. I would like to ask you to confirm if the turtle that I have is the Red eared slider. I would greatly appreciate your response.
Thank you Ma'am!

Hi Amor,

It's generally my policy not to provide information to students that they should discover through their own research, and especially so for university students.  Since you're in a physiology/anatomy class, I'm assuming you are supposed to provide more than a "yes, it's a RES" kind of answer.  What I'd suggest doing is googling "Taxonomy of red-eared slider" and listing the specific identifying markers that led you to the conclusion that what you have is indeed a red-eared slider.  Good luck on your project!