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Eggs and habitat

22 16:16:05

Really I have two questions. Recently we have gotten a pet turtle and found its a painted turtle.
Until we buy her a real aquarium made for a turtle, we have her in a tank, with just water, but logs and rocks she can lay on to bask. What type of tank or thing should we keep her in for her to be healthiest and happiest?
And she laid four eggs last night. they were on one of the rocks, but still in the water. I took them out. Is there any chance of them hatching? If there is, what care should I provide for them?

Hi Ayla, the eggs probably wont hatch but be sure you dont turn them over because this can mean sure death the the embryo inside. Please them in an incubator for good luck and hope for the best. If you are going to toss them freeze them first and burry them inside a plastic bag. Eggs start to smell after a bit. You can throw them in a garbage can but I would check and make sure pick up is soon.

You need to provide her with a laying area because if not provided she can hold the eggs in and that can be dangerous to her.

Turtles will lay infertile eggs without mating so expect this a few times a year every year.

I find the best tank for a turtle is a Water Land Tub they make them in all kinds of sizes its a tub that has a section for water and an easy access to land. Which makes for a great lay site filled with 50/50 mix of organic soil and clean sand.

Then the heat lamps and uv lights will be on the land area

Otherwise a large reptile tank will work just as well, some people buy molded ponds and put them in their homes. If you have the space that is great.

Good luck