Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Injured (appears to be) box turtle shell

Injured (appears to be) box turtle shell

22 16:04:56

I found an rather large turtle; that has been struck by a car.
There is an 2-3 inch tear in front of his right  front leg.(next to his head) There is not excessive bleeding, however, and he seems to respond to stimuli.
Unfortunately, I am finding conflicting advice; via the Internet, and am completely CLUELESS, as to how I need to treat his injuries!
I would be very grateful for any assistance that you may be able to provide.
I thank you for your time and look forward to hearing from you.
Tammi Coffield
#(405) 321-5932

This website allows for pictures. Rehabbing a car hit turtle is not something I can instruct someone else how to do. I am a rehabber though and do turtles all the time. I am in Wichita Falls Texas. See my website at and email me from there. Include detailed pictures with good lighting and focus a MUST. Until the meantime, I'd recommend a veterinarian who is EXPERIENCED with reptiles. If he requires substantial help, he can be shipped or driven to me for treatment.