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cracked shell

22 16:14:05

My daughter just got a red slider for free off of craigs list and they didn't have any light or heat on it for the 6 months they had it.  The turtle is an older male.  We have had him for a week and had a uv light, basking, area, swim area, etc, but we are noticing his out shell is cracking and the under belling is peeling  more and more.  What can we do to help him.  We spoke to the people at pet smart and they didn't mention a water heater, but I just read something about a heater as well is the light.  He is moving, eating, and breathing fine.  Any suggestions.

There are probably lots of health issues going on with this turtle but most of them can probably be handled by improving the cares.

You can learn the cares at or by chatting with other expert keepers at

Good luck!