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Feeding juvenile sulcata tortoise

22 16:48:31

I recently purchased a young (3 to 4 months) Sulcata Tortoise.  I've always admired them and unfortunately purchased this on on an impulse at a flea market.  From what I've read since purchasing him the seller was feeding him all the wrong foods.  I have had him for 2 weeks now and all he will eat is spinach leaves and broccoli leaves.  I've had him outdoors and watched for hours hoping he'd eat some grass or maybe a weed but with no luck. I'm very fond of the little guy and want to do what's best.  Can you give me any suggestions?  I'm worried about his poor eating habits.

Thanks, Kathy

What the heck were they feeding it- fruit?

First, the semi-good news. Newly aquired turtles often go through an adjustment period that can last a long time. Keep offering good foods and a small amount of 'tortoise junk food'- berries, bananas, etc., and good access to fresh water. They really don't need a lot of food and short fasts will not hurt them.

It may also be an issue of not recognizing the good stuff as 'food' if it is unused to it. Try offering it a salad with a mix of what it DOES eat and grasses, dandelion leaves, wild violet leaves, wild flowers, etc., and slowly cut back on the 'unnatural' stuff.

The best tortoise diet is one of variety, so never stop the brocolli, spinach, fruit, etc., but it IS best to wean them off it as the main item.

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