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How do i know if this is a turtle...?

22 16:16:15

Oh No! Me and my friends were walking by a creek, and we saw these three ping pong sized ball eggs. We decided to keep them. My friend accidently stepped on one and thick, yellow yolk came out. Ewww. And we decided to keep the other two. They are white, but have a little bit of yellowish dots on them. What type of eggs are they.?

Hello Allison, many animals can lay unfertile eggs meaning that without mating they can lay eggs that will never hatch. These may be that type of egg. I don't beleive they are turtle eggs because Turtles usually burry their eggs on the shore, you rarely find them on the surface. Keep them warm if you want them to hatch. \

Not sure what type of eggs they are, sorry best of luck