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baby red-ear slider

22 16:38:37

my baby red-ear slider doesn't seem to be eating and it almost looks like blisters sortof healing in some spots but then forming in other spots . When i first got him there was a sore of some sort on it's neck then that healed,then next it seemed his nose wich i took a warm rag and wiped to make sure air passages weren't blocked now it seems to be on the side of the mouth and under the arm but he seems to be very alert just not eating. I don't have money to take to a vet but I have to big turtles that i have been caring for and loveing for 11 years, also aquatic. if you can give me some answers i greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

It sounds like the poor little thing has a Respiratory Infection (turtle version of a flu), and has been having signs of other infections as well.

Try this:

1. Boost water temps to 80-85 degrees F
2. Clean the tank very well
3. Try to provide some UVB light with specialty bulbs
4. Use either 'Turtle Sulfa Dip' or a fish medicine called 'Stress Coat' (but not both). Follow label directions.
5. Let the turtle rest and relax as musch as possible. It should be kept separately from the others so they don't bother or infect each other.

This is also a good time to check on basic cares, etc. I recommend for this.