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What names would you suggest for a red eared slider

22 16:47:30

What names would you suggest for a red eared slider?

LOL! That is a toughie because it is your personal taste.

I name my animals for geographic elements to their homeland- either natural features, parks, how you would say its name in that area, etc. Examples have been Shiloh, Etosha, Tsavo, and Japuta

I also use characters in good books I am reading. A lot of my previous pets were named for characters in the Lord of the Rings (the books, which have so many cool names an characters left out of the movies!) Examples here have been Goldberry, Merlin, Tom Bombadil, Radagast, Sasha, Blackberry and Thistle.

I also look for puns or variations of the common and scientific names, or a physical feature. Woody, Starburst, Ratchet, Ghandi, etc.

The scientific name of the Red-ear is Trachemys scripta elegans. Trach means roughly air or airpipe, possibly from the habit of sticking their noses up while sunning. Emys is a generic name for turtles. Scripta refers to the bottom shell design- it looks written or drawn on. Elegans is elegant, refering to the red neck patches.

Hope this gives you some ideas.  Good luck!