Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > big cheeks

big cheeks

22 16:38:36

hi my red ear slidr has big or swollen cheeks i wanted to no if there was anything i can do tht doesnt require a vet  he still acts normal he eats like he alwasy did but he just has fat cheeks

This is probably an infection and has or will develop into an abscess. Abcesses need to be surgically drained and properly medicated- which requires either a vet or an experienced keeper who has learned how to do this.

You can TRY a home care remedy of...
- warming the water to about 80-85F
- keeping the water super clean
- using either Turtle Sulfa Dip or the fish medicine called Stress Coat per directions
- reduce stress, handling, etc.

You can also look at the Medical Information section of for other ideas.