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baby slider

22 16:38:37

my girlfriends baby slider (got it a couple weeks ago) doesn't seem like it's eating at all. n e thing we can/should do?

Baby turtles can be tough, and a lot of the problem is that there is a lot of misinformation about them.

To be happy and healthy, these guys need three basics:

1. Good water. This means a nice, big area to swim in- aim for about 10 gallons of water for every inch of shell length. The water also needs to be clean (good filters) and warm (about 75-80F)

2. Good sun. Turtles are almost solar powered. They like to bask in good warm light- preferably with UVB rays (which do not penetrate most glass or plastics). Their basking sites should be about 90F.

3. Good food. Baby turtles need a lot of protein to grow. Try a mix of about 1/2 good quality pellets and the rest various kinds of 'fish foods' like shrimp, small fish, krill, worms, insects, etc.

For some good care advice, try or http;//