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Red-eared slider pregnant?

22 16:16:35

I have 3 red-eared sliders in a tank.  They are all approx 1 year old (no more than 3 inches in diameter).  They have gotten along well over the year and all eat well (dried baby shrimp).  One has recently stopped eating and lays all day on top of the floating rock, even when it is not sunny.  It then will find a spot to "perch" in the fake plant so it is not fully submerged, or on top of a rock that is partially underwater.  It was suggested that it might be pregnant.  This turtle is noticably smaller than the other two and has slightly different markings on the shell. What do you suggest?

Hello Brian, it isn't pregnant (term is gravid) because they must be 4 inches in diameter to be sexually mature. It is not possible that they have mated and if so there is no chance she could be pregnant at such a young age.

Try offering other food items and separating them. Maybe he/she feels threatened by the others and is always "hiding" from them. Turtles don't like sharing their territory and can become agressive over it. So try feeding her in a separate tank (a large rubbermaid tub will make do for now) see if that helps.

Good luck