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Mixed turtles sharing tank

22 16:29:59

Hi.  I have a couple Mississippi Maps (babies) and just got some baby red ear sliders from a friend.  I have one tank.  Can they share a tank being different species?  I have them separated right now, but would like for them all to share the healthy environment already setup.  They are all about the same size.

You didn't tell me what their origin was. Are these wild caught babies? If so, I would recommend they be released back where they were caught before winter gets here, and will advise you that these turtles will grow to 10" or more ( the size of a dinner plate ) when full grown, and this will require an outdoor pond. Setting them loose later is not an option, and I can't tell you how many people ask me to take their RES turtles for them, because they have grown up and aren't cute babies anymore, and they did not plan for them properly. Just wanted to put that out there for you to consider before you make a mistake that they may pay for later.

If you plan on keeping them, then segregation is critical until the new turtles are deemed healthy. All new incoming reptiles should be quarantined, especially wild caught, and be checked by a vet for parasites and general health. If not, you risk making the other turtles sick. You must also have a pretty big tank or pond, with some heavy duty filtration if you plan on keeping many turtles together. They will produce large amounts of waste that will make them sick if their tank is not big enough and you don't have adequate filtration.