Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > RES may have scepticemia but i cant get her to a vet til monday

RES may have scepticemia but i cant get her to a vet til monday

22 15:56:27

I have had my turtle Plato for at least 4 years. She is a red eared slider. I rescued her from a family who wouldn't take care of her properly. She has never been sick before. I keep her in a standard 10-15 gallon tank, the rectangle ones. I only have colored marbles on the bottom. To bask i let her get out and crawl around and walk through the grass. Her pump recently broke and I haven't had a chance to replace it yet. I change her water every other day. It doesn't get too hot where i have her on the patio. She is covered in shade except for the evening when the sun begins to set.The day before yesterday when i was changing her water my boyfriend noticed while holding her that her plastaron was getting pinkish. Today her plastaron is significantly redder. I cant take her to the vet until monday when the herp vet is in. what can i do to help her until then?

I can't make recommendations because you didn't provide MOST of what was required in the instructions and a diagnosis cannot be made on this scant information.

Nevertheless, there are several things here that are indicators of very poor care. It's unconscionable to keep an adult slider in a 10 or 15 gallon tank. This turtle should be in a Waterland tub or outdoor trough or pond of some kind. This fish bowl you have her in is completely inadequate and IS likely to lead to serious medical issues because she can't get swim exercise and she can't bask properly, nor have a dry land area to dig as an adult female requires. The water is going to constantly remain filthy and a source of bacterial growth. Furthermore, an animal should NEVER be confined to a tank while sunlight is hitting it, and even if it's not led to a fatality so far, then the low angle of sunlight will not provide her with adequate UVB exposure. I'm sorry...but your care of her is wrong as well.