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my new turtle

22 16:15:31

I have a new baby turtle and i don't have any idea what to do.  I am aware that they transmit diseases. My turtle doesn't eat, and i don't know if i can put he filtration of the fish tank to filter its water. Please help me?

Hello Marilyn, I am happy you are trying to find out information about this guy to make him as happy and healthy as possible. Turtles are hard work.

If you wash your hands up to your elbows with a good soap and warm water it will take care of most salmonella problems.
Salmonella is another name for the 24 hour flu but for those people with weak immune systems (young children, the elderly, etc.) it can be dangerous.
Just take care to keep the tank as clean as possible and wash well before and after. The salmonella and other bacteria actually come from their feces, not from a bite or their skin. But because they swim in their own bathroom, it spreads more then with other reptiles.

What are you trying to feed him?
Do you have basking area and light?
Do you have special (VERY important) UVB lighting?

You can use a fish tank filter for his water but not a used one. You will need to purchase a new one for him.

This site (link below) should help with most of the small details, let me know what else I can do for you.

Good luck