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my new baby turtle

22 16:39:52

I have a grown red eared slider, and just today I've acquired a baby turtle. I believe its a yellow-bellied slider. I dont know what a little guy like that's supossed to eat. I gave him some brine shrimp, some crushed up turtle pellets, and other food, but hes not interested. He was not previously in captivity, but a friend found the quarter size little guy in her yard! Should I let him go? I dont know if he'd make it., and if I keep him, what will he eat??

That is the right food, and assuming the other cares are correct (they are the same as for the Red-ear), then the issue is the turtle itself.

Wild-caught turtles simply do not do as well in captivity as captive bred turtles do. It is a lot of stress for the little thing.

I'd let it go, but if you choose to keep it, try slightly warmer water and see if that perks it up.