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putting different species of tortoises together

22 16:30:12

I have a 1 year old sulcata tortoise and i am getting a 15 year old arizona desert tortoise, i was wondering if i could put them in the same tank?

It is rarely a good idea to mix species from different continents- one tortoise can harbor germs that do not bother it but can be a real problem for animals from other regions.

It is generally not a good idea to mix tortoises of different ages- the older/bigger ones can too easily accidentally hurt the younger, and can too easily cause stress with little things like crowding out the food dish, etc.

You did not ask, but...

I am a bit concerned by the Desert Tortoise. These guys are HIGHLY protected by law, and can only be legally owned of they are adopted by legal means. To the best of my knowledge, no adoption program will knowingly allow them to be kept indoors- of course, an outdoor pen is also needed by the Sulcata when it gets a little bigger.

Deserts are also tricky. They tend to not do well too far from their home habitats- they need the light, heat, humidity, burrows, gritty/fiberous diet, etc. of their native ranges.

Enough of the rant before I get into the Sulcata too! :-)