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Chineese Box Turtle

22 16:13:06

Hi! I have had a male Chinese box turtle for several years. I recently got a female Chinese box turtle from a reptile show. The male is very aggressive towards her. He constantly tries to lift her as if trying to turn her over. Is this normal behavior? I am worried he is going to hurt her.I have moved her to a tank until I find out. My turtles have free roam of my yard year round. They may not be excactly the same species.

I think it is normal behavior for a male box turtle.  You may have to build something to seperate the yard... otherwise the female may become stressed.  Or, since they have free roam of your yard, you can watch them for a week or so without any barriers.  The male may lose interest after awhile.  It is very good that they have free roam of your yard!
