Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > What live animals should I feed my RES?

What live animals should I feed my RES?

22 16:05:17

I currently have two RES. One male and one female. Both very happy, they are both around 3.5 years old and love there current food of lettuce (and other vegetation), dried shrimps etc. I recently read some information that they should also eat live prey? I am keen on this but I was wondering what types of worms to feed them and how often? should It be included in their daily diet? I also am quite keen on feeding them feeder mice pups. I am not sure if this is a good idea but I cannot find any sufficient information on the web.
Thanks in advance

I offer mine feeder gold fish, that end out many live with us for years ha ha
You can give them earth worms, any type worm, i do not feed pups. Plants hybiscus, but htye dont have to have the live foods.  it is good for natural instinct however your turtles are already imprinted so they dont need to have the extra. they enjoy it. but mine end out with several pond friends instead.  

A good diet of turtle food, throw in some fun stiff occasionally. i give mine meal worms they love it