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Multiple Russian Tortoises

22 16:15:38

Hello,  I have recently acquired a male Russian tortoise.  We assume he is a few years old but they were unsure at the pet store.  He is healthy except for the pinworms we are treating with Panacur.  We have built a exactly 5' table with a second level and ramp.  He eats organic spring mixes,petunias, dandelion,clover,cactus,TNT from Carolinas pet supply with cuttlebone ground over food and whatever else I can find.  I would like to know if these guys do better by themselves or would a friend be good.  I would entertain a male only as I don't want babies.  
Thank you for your time.
Brenda Hewett

Most tortoises, especially males, are not super happy about sharing their habitats, unless they are big... for Russians, that would be about 8'x4' for an single adult, 8'x6' can be OK for a pair, and 8'x8' for two males- understanding that these are recommendations and guidelines, not absolute rules.

Otherwise, things sound good. is a great site to help.

Good luck!