Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > redfoot tortoise eyes watering

redfoot tortoise eyes watering

22 16:15:22

I have a red-foot tortoise that is approximately 2-3 years old. I've noticed his
eyes have been watering lately to the point that tear drops are forming. I just
moved, and since we got to our new place, he hasn't been eating much, and isn't
going in his water dish either (which he used to climb in and sit in it for a while).
Is he just stressed from the move? Or is there a deeper issue?

The problem is that it is dehydrated, the cause may be the move.

Let is soak in shallow, warm water for about 15-20 minutes a day, and let it have a lot of very wet fruits for a couple days- especially melons, etc. Make sure there is some humidity in the habitat, especially in a hiding place.

Try or for great care ideas!