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Mississippi Map Turtles/ Stink Pots

22 16:03:17


My mum has a problem! We took 2 x African Side Neck Turtles from a friend who could no longer keep them. The larger of the two began to nip the smaller ones back legs and sores began to appear, we seperated them and they seemed very inactive, we thought this was due to not having a buddy or being seperated so we put them back together and it all began again. So we seperated them again and passed the larger of the two to a friend, as she couldn't resist her smiley face!

The smaller of the two is in a 4ft tank all alone and doesn't do much at all. She seems so lonely. I am trying to look for a suitable tank mate for her, and have known of the Stink Pot/ Common Musk Turtle. I know they grow to most 5", but some care sheets suggest they are an aggressive species, where as others don't mention aggression at all. Would this be a good idea or not?

If not, any suggestions as to a suitable tank mate?
In regards to diet, we feed the African Side neck on meat, liver, turtle pellets and dried meal worms, live meal worms, morio worms and dried shrimps. So she has a very varied diet. She has a clean 4ft tank with some plants, a basking area (which she never uses!!), and a filter, with 2 strip lights.

If you think she has another reason for being inactive (sitting at the bottom of the tank all day), please let me know and I will change whatever I have to, to make her a happier turtle.

Sorry it's so long - just wanted to give you all the info!


Hello thank you for your providing all the information. I do appreciate that so that I am able to assist.
The turtles, odds are were either having territory disputes and or mating issues. I would most likely go with the territory issue. They do not have to have a friend so to speak withthem in a tank. they actually prefer to just be left alone.  Her diet sounds great, do you know the temoerature of her water? She may b e slowing down if the water is to cold.
The species can be aggressive or not. It all depends on previous care adn needs beig met. Before you got them there may have been times of not being handled and or there could have been times where they were not given enough food which could cause a pecking order to have been established. If this is the case, I would not put another in a tank with the one you have out of fear of her being dominated. Please do keep me posted and if you have any more questions- dont hesitate to ask