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easy simple turtle care?

22 16:16:11

Hi i was just wondering what the easiest way to catch a turtle and turn it into captivity is, i am thinking a painted turtle and what is the easiest set up to keep him alive without geting the fancy fish tank stuff, but i would like to keep him in a fish tank in my room. what is the best way to go about this. i am just looking for a simple answer on how to have a pet turtle easily without a ton of work.... thank you so much. i live in western new york and it gets cold in the winter. bye.


What you are proposing is illegal (most states forbid the capture of wild turtles), inhumane (wild caught turtles torn from their home are badly stressed by the event), and just not a good idea.

A good turtle home will run you $150-300 to set up, mostly for the tank and filter. There are some short cuts (like using a plastic tub instead of an aquarium), but you still need filtration, heating, lighting, basking sites, etc.

Sadly, pet turtles are not easy and take a ton of work. However, by setting up a good habitat, you save yourself a ton of work and money in the long run.

Now, if you got yourself a captive-bred turtle, you could find great cares at

Good luck!