Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Is my box turtle hibernating?

Is my box turtle hibernating?

22 16:03:15

QUESTION: I noticed that my one box turtle hadn't moved from the same position she was a day or two ago.  I picked her up, but she didn't react or anything.  I lightly splashed her with some warm water and she seemed to initially respond.  She stretched her front legs and neck a little.  However, she hasn't reacted since then.  I tried her in the water for a while, but then moved her to a smaller aquarium away from my other box turtle. I have her nestled in some wood chippings and newspaper. My other box turtle appears to be fine. Since they are both indoors, I was not attempting to hibernate either of them. Mainly, what I'm winding down to is, if my turtle is hibernating, how long will it take to reverse it? How long should I give her before I try to determine if she has died?  How will I know if she has died?

ANSWER: Hello, Im sorry ou are having this to deal with, at this point Id recommend a vet to make the fianl call. It could be a illness that is unseen and or just general weakness. Do you have vets near you that do exotics? Please let me know.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: No, I do not recall there being a vet that does exotics near me.  I will consult a co-worker this morning who owns a lizard, to see if she can recall anyone I may be forgetting.  Would there be any way for me to know if she were dead, or not at this point?

Hello you can warm her up and see if there is any response. She may or may not respond. I am sorry but without seeing her it is hard to assist with the situation. You can try heating her up and see Also you can watch for signs of breathing, movement.
I really wish I could assist more but assure yout hat if you ened me, Im ehre