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My 22 year old red eared slider

22 16:04:39

I don't think he is feeling very well. He will not eat and seems very still. We updated the uv light yesterday,changed his food and turned the temperature up about 5% in his tank. He will not bask and I can't seem to find a herp vet in Wichita. Help please!!

Hi m sorry for your red ear not feeling so well. WOW 22 yrs old that is a great life span for a turtle in captivity.Have you tried adding feeder fish to see if you can increase activity?
can you  tell me other areas around you?
With the best care 25 yrs is a long unexpected life span and I again say youve done amazing/
It is possible that he has come to the end and is just slowing down.
Please let em know how I may help. If needed, we can find a rescue in your area to see if we can get him evaluated.