Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Yellow Mud turtle not getting enough food

Yellow Mud turtle not getting enough food

22 16:38:18

I have a tank with two Mississippi map turtles and I just added a yellow mud.  The problem is that when I feed them, the maps get 95% of the food and the mud just doesn't seem to want to compete.  How can I make sure the mud is getting enough food?

Maps and muds don't like the same kinds of habitats, and it may be that the mud is just not as happy as it could be. Another common problem is overcrowding. We recommend about 10 gallons of water per inch of turtle shell length.

If you cannot set up a tank just for it, try removing the others about 30 minutes after adding food. Add a little more if needed for the mud turtle.