Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > our turtle is having a hard time breathing

our turtle is having a hard time breathing

22 16:20:10

Hi, our turtle is having a hard time breathing. stumpy is in his mid-fourties, and has had a great life. recently he seemed to have trouble breathing. today he has been breathing out of his mouth, his eyes are'nt opening, and fluid is coming out of his nose and mouth. he is also lethargic. is there any natural remedies to help our friend. we don't really have the money to take him to the vet. we know this is serious. can anyone give us advice on how to help him without taking him to a vet?

This sounds like pneumonia or a related disease.

For a home care, try...
- Boosting tank temps to 80-85F
- Try UVB lighting or unfiltered sunlight for at least an hour a day
- Keep the tank clean, and stress-free
- Try the fish medicine 'Stress Coat' per directions
- Make sure diet and other cares are rock solid at a good site like

Understand, however, that things like this usually do not clear up in captivity on their own- and even with a vet's care, it is not always a pleasnt result.